PH Bonder, the perfect hair treatment to strengthen hair

Looking to strengthen hair before any technical service? Ph Bonder hair treatment is the solution!

Looking [ss_kw]to strengthen hair[/ss_kw] before any technical service? [ss_kw]Ph Bonder hair treatment[/ss_kw] is the solution!

PH Bonder is a hair treatment that seeks to preserve the health of the mane before performing other professional services such as coloring. And as in Desancho Estilistas, your [ss_kw]hairdresser in Valencia[/ss_kw] , we are concerned about your hair, we have recently added it to our list of services.

The PH Bonder is the result of a very innovative work by the [ss_kw]Redken[/ss_kw] brand. The technology of this healing treatment manages to strengthen the hair during and after any hairdressing service that damages the mane.

What products are used to perform this hair treatment?

This hair treatment is carried out with the PH Bonder product line, consisting of a protective product, a restorative product and a maintenance product:


This product is additive and is applied to protect the hair avoiding breakage during and after the most aggressive coloring, helping to maintain the weakest hair bonds.


This product restores hair to look healthy, luminous, shiny and very soft. It is always applied before washing the hair and its main objective is to restore the hair fiber and balance the natural PH of the entire mane.


This product is for continuing treatment at home. Its objective is to help you maintain healthy hair and a balanced PH.

These products are applied in different steps and each of them is essential for optimal treatment results.

What are the advantages of the PH Bonder?

PH Bonder is a hair treatment that has many advantages. Among the most outstanding, it can be said that it is a system that strengthens the hair considerably , greatly reducing hair breakage.

The PH Bonder also focuses on restoring the hair fibers, making the hair very resistant to coloring and other technical services that can damage the hair.

Another advantage of PH Bonder is that it leaves hair very soft and shiny without the texture of the color changing.

Your PH Bonder treatment in Valencia

If you want to undergo a [ss_kw]hair treatment in Valencia[/ss_kw] to protect and strengthen your hair, come to Desancho Estilistas and we will take care of your hair with the PH Bonder treatment, the most revolutionary Redken system.

At Desancho Estilistas, your hairdresser in Valencia, we select the best hair treatments for your hair to enjoy good health.

Desancho Estilistas: Hairdressing and beauty services designed for you.

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